Field Research in Marina Dalmacija and Cooperation with D-Marin Croatia

23 February , 2017

Prof. Ranka Petrinović and Mr. Božidar Duka at Marina Dalmacija (Sukošan)


Prof. Ranka Petrinović and Dr. Nikola Mandić visited Marina Dalmacija in Sukošan on the 23rd February 2017 to conduct a field research and to meet and interview Mr. Božidar Duka, the general manager of D-Marin Croatia (Dogus Group) operating Marina Dalmacija, as well as Marina Borik in Zadar and Marina Mandalina in Šibenik. Mr. Duka is also the vice-president of the Croatian Marinas Association. Marina Dalmacija is currently the largest marina in Croatia, with more than 1100 berths in the sea and 300 berths on land. This was a perfect occasion to investigate and learn about the practical intricacies of marina operating business, and the legal challenges the marina operators in Croatia are faced with on a daily bass. Especially valuable for our research were Mr. Duka's inputs regarding their experiences with the recent large investments on the maritime domain from the legal perspective. Cooperation with D-Marin as one of the leading marina operators in Croatia is of a great importance for the development of the DELICROMAR project.